Frequently Asked Questions

Click on Register and enter your mail and furnish other things. We will send you an account activation link to your mail. Click on that and you can login to Tranotes.

We are not a package trip provider. Then also we organize a some trips in a year and we inform you about that through your mail.

Not at all. You can post your restaurant details here without any payment. Only thing you need is admins approval. But you should inform your customers to review your restaurant in our website or app.

Yes of course. But it’s a paid service. In this we will give you some suggestions about cab services, hotels and restaurants also. For more details you can contact our customer care at 8822 8822 01

We are always at your service. We want you to feel safe and relaxed during your trip. Our customer care will be available from 9.00am to 5.00pm and you can contact us if you need.

You can post your experience in the Travelogue section. Along with that you can connect with us on facebook and instagram also

We don’t treat people here as our customers. We believe they are our co-travellers and it will be helpful for them if we post a review about destinations, restarants, Hotels, Cab Services etc. And we don’t entertain paid reviews. If we found anything like that, the entity will be blacklisted and removed from our database.

Sorry. The facility is not available right now. We will look into it as soon.